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Champlain Islands Farmers Market

Learn all about the Champlain Islands Farmers Market, it's a great time for all!
The Champlain Islands have a long history of farming and agriculture. Dairy farming, vegetable growing, apple orchards, grape vineyards, and more are sprinkled throughout the Islands. The soils and climate of the Islands all lend themselves well to vibrant growing seasons. With this depth of agriculture and an abundance of goods to sell, farmers together developed the inspiration for a unique storefront. The Champlain Island Farmers Market was established to bring these goods, including food and clothing, to a market setting for folks to buy.

Champlain Islands Farmers MarketThe Champlain Islands Farmers Market – Photo Credit: Snow Farm Vineyard

The farmers market truly is a farmers market with well over 50% of the vendors being agricultural vendors who cultivate the soils to grow crops or rear animals for meats, wool, and fibers. Maple syrup is a favorite at the market and is primarily found from Crescent Bay Farm located in South Hero. Owner and sugar maker Julie Lane is often quoted, “It’s sweeter in the islands.”

Crescent Bay Farm Maple Syrup for Sales at the Champlain Islands Farmers MarketCrescent Bay Farm Maple Syrup for Sales at the Champlain Islands Farmers Market – Photo Credit: Crescent Bay Farm & Snow Farm Vineyard

The Champlain Islands Farmers Market is held every week: Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm in Grand Isle and Wednesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm in South Hero. At the farmers market, you are going to see your Vermont mix of flannel shirts, straw hats, rubber boots, and sandals behind the booths.

Champlain Islands Farmers Market Goods from Snow Farm VineyardChamplain Islands Farmers Market Goods from Snow Farm Vineyard – Photo Credit: Julie lane – Snow Farm Vineyard

The islands are home to many people and, in the summer months, farmers thrive on providing high-quality products to visitors. This is a place for people to visit and reach outside the normal supermarket stores to find some sense of place with local foods, gifts, sweet treats, clothing, and more. The Champlain Island Farmers Market is where neighbors run into friends and children grow with healthy foods and local goods. If you are ever in the islands it is highly recommended you visit the Champlain Islands Farmers Market. 


On the vine

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