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Local Motion – The Island Line Bike Ferry

Learn about Local Motion, Burlington Vermont, the Island Line Trail and how to enjoy a glass of wine after your bike ride in VT!

“Local Motion is a member-supported non-profit organization working to make “Biking and Walking for a Better Vermont” a reality”. To reach this goal, Local Motion creates events, learning opportunities, and community-focused projects with the objective of making walkable and bikeable spaces throughout Vermont. One of these walkable and bikeable spaces is the Island Line Bike Ferry, which allows you to travel across “the Cut” of the Colchester Causeway that separates the Island Line Trail.

Local Motion - Island Line Bike FerryPhoto: Local Motion Bike Ferry Island Line Bike Ferry – South Side

The Island Line Bike Ferry has a state-of-the-art dock and boarding ramp. It’s always good to take it slow on and off the dock. Allow people to help you with your bike on the dock and always bring a smile and a nod for the captain.

Local Motion - South Hero Sign Toward the Island Line Bike FerryPhoto: Local Motion Island Line Rail Trail to the Island Line Ferry

There is so much to see when taking the Island Line Bike Ferry! You’ll be continually captivated by the views spreading across the water. On top of the beautiful views, you’ll get to see some of the original character of the Island Line Trail from when the Colchester Causeway was a railroad causeway, as there are several old telephone poles leaning along the trail. These poles are a silent reminder of the passage of time and the history of this special place.

Local Motion - Island Line Bike Ferry North SidePhoto: Local Motion Island Line Bike Ferry North Side of “The Cut”

Always walk your bike on the docks of the Local Motion Island Line Bike Ferry.


Local Motion - Views at "the cut" from the Island Line Bike FerryPhoto: Views from Local Motion Island Line Bike Ferry Rail Trail

The space between the Colchester side and the South Hero side of the causeway is a decent swim. Before the Ferry’s existence, bikers utilizing the trail would stash rowboats on either side of “the Cut”. Some bikers would even inflate tubs or, using a series of swim “noodles”, float bikes across “the Cut”. This is not recommended at all!

The boat traffic through “the Cut” is busy and visibility is tight through this nautical passage. The only way to cross “the Cut” safely with a bike is to check out the Island Line Bike Ferry Schedule and plan accordingly. It’s a courtesy of the commuters counting on those rowboats not to disturb them either. More than a courtesy it’s an unspoken code of transportation, respect, and goodwill.

The trail is there for everyone and the mission behind Local Motion and the Island Line Bike Ferry is “simple: to bring walking and biking within reach for all Vermonters.”  

Island Line Bike Ferry Trail - Local MotionIsland Line Bike Ferry Trail – Courtesy Town of Colchester VT

Depending on the time of year you don’t have to end your bike journey at Malletts Bay! To complete a trip from Burlington to Snow Farm Vineyard on the Island of South Hero, you must cross “The Cut”.  Just make sure to check out the Ferry Schedule before you start your journey.

Or you’re always welcome to park at the winery and head South to Burlington then end at the Vineyard for a glass of wine after a spectacular ride!


On the vine

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