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Picture of the globe pointing to where Vermont is

Where is Vermont?

Where is Vermont? Here is a little abstract tale of finding Vermont and Snow Farm Vineyard within.

Have you ever been somewhere, and someone turns to you and asks, “Where is Vermont?” It happens often enough, but not to the extent that a Vermonter will complain or become offended. In fact, Vermonters don’t often complain or get offended. Probably because of the natural beauty and lifestyle that is Vermont, which includes vivid green mountains, tireless farmers, gravel back roads, rivers and lakes, and four strong seasons of the year.

Where is Vermont-1Photo Credit: Google Earth

Vermont is a state in the northeastern United States with an abundance natural of landscape, which is primarily forested. It is part of the New England region. Vermont is made up of 9,250 square miles of land and 382 square miles of water.

Vermont is known for being a major producer of maple syrup. Thousands of acres of mountain terrain are crossed by hiking trails and skiing slopes. In addition to maple syrup, hiking trails, and skiing slopes, Vermont is also know for its wines and its farms.

In a sense, you can measure where Vermont is and where Vermont isn’t by how far the farm products travel. Here at Snow Farm Vineyard, we have had our wines go as far as Canada, Australia, and South America, though they haven’t traveled that far because of distribution. Snow Farm Wines travel as far as visitors will take them. How far will you take your Snow Farm Wine?  Email your photo to:

Where is Vermont - Snow Farm Vineyard LocationVermont, spooning with New Hampshire since 1791. Photo Credit: Google Earth

If you find Vermont, you can find Snow Farm Vineyard Wines all throughout the state. Vermont is home to over 40 vineyards growing grapes to produce wine. Snow Farm Vineyard is home to Vermont’s oldest commercial vines dating back to 1996.

Where is Vermont - Seyval Blanc GrapesPhoto Credit: Where is Vermont? Where Seyval Blanc Grapes grow.

The next time you think of looking up where Vermont is, make sure to mark the Champlain Islands and Snow Farm Vineyard on your map for happy hour. Finding the Champlain Islands in Vermont is easy, just look for the sixth largest body of fresh water in the United States.

No matter where you are going or where you’re from, if you end up in the Champlain Islands, you’ll be blessed with kindness and a way of life that only exists in a brave little state in New England.Where is Vermont - Snow Farm VineyardPhoto Credit: Snow Farm Vineyard. 

Where is Vermont -2 Snow Farm Winter Landscape

Stop in for a tasting at the Snow Farm Vineyard and pick up some wines to take with you on your journey as you explore all that Vermont has to offer. We offer great 1/2 case and full-case specials that you can purchase at the winery or order now online!


On the vine

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