In the U.S. we drink more wine than any other country in the world. We’ve all heard that drinking wine can have health benefits and we’ve probably been guilty of pouring another glass thinking, “Hey, it’s good for my heart!”
But, are we really getting health benefits from our favorite bottle? We took a look at some of the research to find out if wine is the health hero we hope it to be.
Wine and Benefits for Your Heart
According to the American Heart Association in 2019, “no research has established a cause-and-effect link between drinking alcohol and better heart health.” But, studies have found an association with wine and benefits like a lower risk of dying from heart disease.
There is also research that shows a connection between moderate alcohol consumption and increased “good” HDL cholesterol levels as well as a lower risk of diabetes.
The problem is no one knows whether wine is the hero in these cases, or if the lower risk of heart disease or diabetes is because people who drink wine also happen to have healthy habits like exercising or eating a Mediterranean diet (known to be heart-friendly).
The bottom line for your heart health is that a glass of wine a day isn’t about to replace the apple a day adage. Wine could have some benefits, but only in moderation (one drink a day for women and up to two for men) alongside other healthy habits like eating well and exercising.

Can wine prevent aging?
You’ve probably heard of the antioxidant resveratrol. It’s found primarily in the skins of grapes but also in other fruits like blueberries. Red wine has more resveratrol than white wine because the grape skins are fermented longer.
Resveratrol is known to protect our cells from damage from free radicals, which are molecules that are linked to aging. They increase in our bodies if we’re exposed to things like smoking or air pollutants. Resveratrol binds to free radicals and slows the aging process.
Studies show that resveratrol can do a lot more for our bodies than just slow down wrinkles, including improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of diabetes according to the Mayo Clinic.
The catch is it’s impossible to eat or drink enough resveratrol to get the same benefits that have been seen in studies where participants are given 250-500 mg daily or more. The average 5 ounce glass of red wine contains about 1 mg of resveratrol at most. So to get 500 mg daily, you’d need to drink almost 500 glasses of wine daily.
One study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that a 40 mg daily dose of resveratrol may also have some health benefits, but that converts to 40 glasses of wine a day, so sadly it’s not possible to gain the benefits solely from wine.
Resveratrol dietary supplements are available in varying concentrations but there is some concern that too much resveratrol could actually have a negative impact on your health. So, always consult your doctor before adding a health supplement to your diet.
The bottom line? Enjoy your red wine for its rich flavors, the way it pairs with your favorite carbonara, and helps you decompress at the end of a long day. There are other ways you can get antioxidants in your diet too by eating antioxidant foods like grapes, blueberries, peanuts, and dark chocolate. Consider the potential health benefits of wine to be an added bonus, but remember you still need to exercise and eat healthy too.

Does Natural Wine Have Health Benefits?
As the natural food movement has taken hold, more people are drawn to natural wines. They’re made without any additives or added sulfites and with very little intervention from the winemaker. For these reasons, a lot of people think that natural wines are better for you. At Snow Farm Vineyard, we make a natural wine called Snow Trip.
There aren’t any known health benefits related to natural wine. The main benefit of drinking natural wine is that it contains fewer sulfites (a preservative). All wines naturally contain sulfites, and they aren’t necessarily bad. Some people say sulfites give them headaches, so they may find a natural wine to go over more smoothly because it only has naturally occurring sulfites.
Other additives used in conventional wine include tannins and enzymes. Some wineries may use dairy, egg, or shellfish. If you have an allergy to one of those additives, you may also prefer natural wine.

Wine in Your Stress Relief and Relaxation Routine
Wine can help you relax, when used responsibly, and as long as it is not something you depend on.
As you enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or at the end of the day, take a meditative moment to experience all five senses and be fully present.
Listen to the sounds around you, notice if your dog is snoring or if the kids are giggling. Don’t judge it just let it be. Notice your breathing, take in the smell of the wine, and imagine how you’d describe the taste and aromas.
Imagine for a moment you’ve transported yourself to Snow Farm Vineyard and you’re relaxing in a warm, sunny field of grapevines on the shores of Lake Champlain.
As it becomes easier to be distracted these days, the key to living a healthy and happy life is to find a balance in everything. It’s so important to take moments for ourselves to be fully present so that we can reduce stress and fully experience our lives without regret.
Cheers to your health!